Want to feel great by simply drinking it?
Then CLOROFILA H2O® is perfect for you.
Clorofila H2O® is water with benefits!
It's purified spring water with a concentrated dose of extremely beneficial chlorophyll and natural mint that you drink everyday as part of a healthy lifestyle.
It's a convenient bottled water beverage that tastes refreshingly minty and makes you feel like a powerful superhero! (hey, IRON MAN drinks it too!!)
Chlorophyll is the pigment that gives plants its green color and is vital for photosynthesis, which allows plants to obtain energy from light. It's extreme benefits has so much to offer you...keep reading this...
Clorofila H2O® contains Chlorophyll that has the power to regenerate our bodies at the molecular and cellular level. It is known to help increase your energy, cleanse the body, fight infection, help heal wounds, and promote the health of the circulatory, digestive, immune, and detoxification systems. Save and improve your health now!
Clorofila H2O® believes that chlorophyll is miraculous! It has SO MANY health benefits it makes it a true wonder-food. However, the most marvellous and amazing benefit it gives comes from the fact that its molecular structure is absolutely identical to hemoglobin except for the center atom. In hemoglobin this is iron, whereas in chlorophyll it is magnesium. This means that when ingested, chlorophyll actually helps to do the job of hemoglobin (hemoglobin is so vital to the health of our blood – in fact, blood is approx 75% hemoglobin). It helps to rebuild and replenish our red blood cells, boosting our energy and increasing our wellbeing almost instantly. WOW!
Clorofila H2O® consumption increases the number of red blood cells and, therefore, increase oxygen utilization by the body. Chlorophyll also reduces the binding of carcinogens to DNA in the liver and other organs. It also breaks down calcium oxalate stones for elimination, which are created by the body for the purpose of neutralizing and disposing of excess acid for your ph levels within. It balances you!
So convenient. So refreshing. So good for you. You'd be silly not to be drinking it everyday!